Bring joy to your home with this knit yarn watermelon rug!

Making watermelon decorations has been a great trend in the last days. So, why not take this time to create your own knit yarn watermelon rug?

Thus, your home, besides beautiful, will be very cozy and modern. Moreover, it is worthy to say the crochet pieces have the exclusivity that only craftsmanship may bring.

Knit yarn watermelon rug

In this knit yarn watermelon rug tutorial you will learn a simple and modern piece.


  • Knit yarn balls in white, red, green, and black colors;
  • a crochet hook in sizes between 7 and 10 mm (size J and P in the USA).
knit yarn watermelon rug
Knit yarn watermelon rug images. (Photo: Internet)


Firstly, make a magic ring with red yarn. After this, build 3 ch to create the first dc, and then make 5 more dc stitches inside the ring.

For the second row, you should make — just as in all others — 3 ch to rise. Next, make two dc stitches inside each dc stitch of the down row. This is a double stitch that we call an increase.

From the third row, continue with the increase, however, do not make it inside the first stitch of the tips. Because if you make increases on the tips, you will end up creating a fan.

Another thing to be observed on the knit yarn pieces is that not always a stitch amount will be enough for all models. This is explained due to yarn thickness and elasticity.

Considering this, starting from this third row, you should create increases in the necessary amount for the piece to open. Therefore, you shouldn’t make two stitches in every foundation stitch, but enough for your piece to form a half turn.

Follow this layout until you reach the wanted rug size. However, do not forget that you will still have to make 2 dc rows and one crab stitch row.

Make the same random increase scheme that you made with the red yarn. But now you will make this with the white yarn (1 row) and with the green yarn (1 row).

Crab stitch

To create the crab stitch, instead of turning the piece to the flip side to make the stitch from the right to the left on the previous row, hold the piece as it is. Next, make a stitch from the left to the right.

You will make this by taking a yo in the middle of the down row stitch. After this, make again a yo to pass the yarn inside the two lps you created. This stitch will pass over the previous ones and create some bulk. Make the yarn loose in this process.

Piece completion

To finish the piece, cut the yarn and hide the leftovers inside the made stitches.

Next, with the black yarn, make some belays to create the seeds. In the end, you will have a beautiful knit yarn watermelon rug. We recommend that you start one today!

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