Crochet for beginners: know the knitted yarn

In the crochet universe, there is an infinitude of yarns and threads. That’s why for those who are beginning in this kind of craftsmanship now, perhaps it may be difficult to identify all the available materials. But don’t worry! We will introduce you to the knitted yarn, one of the most versatile for your creations.

Many crocheter people love to use the this type of yarn. You, knowing its characteristics, may end up falling in love, too! After we show you it in the end, we will let a pattern for you to test your skills with this yarn. So, don’t miss the opportunity to make a beautiful piece!

Unlike the other yarn types, the knitted yarn is a kind of industrial waste. Thus, the fabric leftovers would be discarded before being reused. That is, what should go to the garbage, can now be used for creating new pieces.

knitted yarn
Images of this type of yarn. (Photo: Internet)

Knitted yarn: more sustainable use and environment preservation

When you think about materials reuse, there is an explicit concern about environmental preservation. In the case of knitted yarn manufacturing, instead of the producers take out raw material from nature, they do not make use of natural resources.

That’s why this yarn has the most sustainable use. It’s worth saying that it is not because the knitted yarn has this feature that its quality is inferior. Quite the opposite! The yarn may be found in different colors and prints, serving to make incredible pieces.

Know also that with knitted yarn it is possible to create some bags, clothes, baskets, rugs, and many other crochet objects. So, the beauty of using this kind of material is that you will produce new pieces from a textile that has just been used for other purposes.

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Pieces made with knitted yarn images. (Photo: Internet)

Hands-on the hook: learn how to make a beautiful basket

Now that you know the knitted yarn, what about learning how to make a basket? This kind of utensil we will indicate is ideal for organizing objects anywhere in the house. Using only one 2,20 lb roll of the material, you will create this little basket with the size of 7,87 in diameter by 4,72 in height.

This little basket also has some straps, and, to make the details, it is essential to use a print knitted yarn roll. To make the stitches, it is necessary to use two different hook sizes: one of L and another of P.

In the example, the used colors are baby pink and pints in blue. However, you can create a little basket of the color you want! Use and abuse your creativity.

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Crochet basket image and chart. (Photo: Internet)

Considering the opportunity you are experiencing, don’t miss the chance and learn how to make this object right now. Follow the instructions and you will get to make a knitted yarn crochet basket. Let’s get to work!

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